On the morning of May 26, 05, the steel structure erection ceremony at GNP Dong Van III project took place successfully and successfully. GNP Dong Van III industrial center project has completed the foundation of 2023 factories, Hai Long Construction continues to deploy the next stage, which is the erection of steel structure of X3 factory, X1 factory and X2 factory.
Project information:
- Investor: GawNP Industrial
- General contractor of steel structure: Hai Long Construction
- Project name: GNP Dong Van III Industrial Center
- Project location: Lot CN-01, Dong Van III Industrial Park, Ha Nam, City. Hai Phong
- Total land area: more than 16 hectares
- Total construction area is: 90.000m2, of which phase 1 includes workshops and ancillary works of nearly 50.000m2.
- Phase 1 is expected to be completed: August 08.
Hai Long Construction has signed a contract and is in the process of preparing to complete the Nam Dinh Vu GNP project. Following this success, Hai Long Construction continued to be trusted and selected from the Investor to implement the Dong Van III GNP project.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Investor GawNP Industrial, representatives of the Board of Directors of Hai Long Construction Joint Stock Company, representatives of Management and Supervision Consultants, Design Consultants, and Block Management Consultants. quantity. Phase I of the project with 3 factories X1, X2, X3 in which factory X3 has the largest area up to 27.000m2. The remaining two factories X1, X2 have a total area of 20.000m2.
The preparation for the steel structure erection ceremony is very thoughtful and solemn, wishing for peace, luck and success for the project. Moreover, the Steel Structure Erection Ceremony is also an important milestone affirming the success and reputation of the brand name for Hai Long Construction.
Sincere thanks to representatives of GawNP Industrial Investor, representatives of the Board of Directors of Hai Long Construction Joint Stock Company, representatives of Management and Supervision Consultants, Design Consultants, and Volume Management Consultants for coming. to help make the ceremony go smoothly and successfully!